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The Governing Body

Welcome to our Governors’ page on the Bersted Green Primary website. We hope this page provides you with information about our Governing Body and we hope that you will find it useful.

Dedicated Government webpage link:


Our Governing Body is made up of people from different groups, including parents, teachers and support staff, the local authority, people from business and education backgrounds and representatives of the local community. We all share a common interest and commitment to our and your children’s learning and well-being. The values and vision for leading this school are shared by the Governing Body, Headteacher and all of the staff team. The day-to-day management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher and staff. The governors’ role is a strategic one; helping to provide direction and focus for the school, ensuring financial resources are used effectively and that all children are progressing well.

Each individual governor is a member of the Governing Body, which is established in law as a corporate body. Individual governors may not act independently to the rest of the Governing Body. Decisions are the joint responsibility of the Governing Body.

The Governing Body at Bersted Green Primary School is made up of the following positions:

  • 1 Headteacher Governor (Staff)
  • 1 Elected Staff Governor
  • 1 Local Authority Governor
  • 2 Elected Parent Governors
  • 7 Co-opted Governors (Please see attachment for more details of current membership)

The current standard term of office is four years. However, governors are volunteers who can leave at any time and can similarly be re-appointed and re-elected. Under the new Governing Body structure, all business is conducted at half-termly full governing body meetings with termly training sessions to ensure we are all up to date with current thinking. We are expected to attend all these meetings. Governors may be disqualified if they fail to attend a full Governing Body meeting for six months from the date of the first meeting missed, if the absence is not approved. The Governing Body has delegated a number of activities to specific governors/groups of governors, either as a team or with individual responsibilities in order to share the load and be more effective. If you have any queries about our role or require further information, please do not hesitate to speak with us or our Clerk to Governors via the school office or email: 

Chair of Governors